
Year 2019

ESEF formāta ieviešana biržas emitentu gada pārskatu sagatavošanā Author: Olga Molčanova, ACCA, Coordinating Partner of partnership programs of Nexia Audit Advice, Member of the Board of the Association of Accountants of the Republic of Latvia, Head of International Secretariat and certified professional accountant of Association of Accountants of the Republic of Latvia, an article published by Bilance No. 12 (456) in December, 2019.
Izaicinājums biržu emitentiem - ESEF formāta ieviešana gada pārskatu sagatavošanai, sākot ar 01.01.2020. Author: Olga Molčanova, ACCA, Coordinating Partner of partnership programs of Nexia Audit Advice, Member of the Board of the Association of Accountants of the Republic of Latvia, Head of International Secretariat and certified professional accountant of Association of Accountants of the Republic of Latvia, an article published by Bilance No. 11 (455) in November, 2019.
Jauns IFAC IESBA Starptautiskais profesionālu grāmatvežu ētikas kodekss (2.daļa) Authors: Andrejs Ponomarjovs,  Executive Partner, Chairman of the Board and Director General of Nexia Audit Advice as well as President of the Association of Accountants of the Republic of Latvia, and Olga Molčanova, ACCA, Coordinating Partner of partnership programs of Nexia Audit Advice, Member of the Board of the Association of Accountants of the Republic of Latvia, Head of International Secretariat and certified professional accountant of Association of Accountants of the Republic of Latvia, an article published by Bilance No. 8 (452) in August, 2019.
Jauns IFAC IESBA Starptautiskais profesionālu grāmatvežu ētikas kodekss (1.daļa) Authors: Andrejs Ponomarjovs,  Executive Partner, Chairman of the Board and Director General of Nexia Audit Advice as well as President of the Association of Accountants of the Republic of Latvia, and Olga Molčanova, ACCA, Coordinating Partner of partnership programs of Nexia Audit Advice, Member of the Board of the Association of Accountants of the Republic of Latvia, Head of International Secretariat and certified professional accountant of Association of Accountants of the Republic of Latvia, an article published by Bilance No. 7 (451) in July, 2019.
Par publiskās apspriešanas uz risku balstītas pieejas vadlīnijām grāmatvedības pakalpojumu sniedzējiem Author: Krista Zinaīda Reinberga, Nexia Audit Advice Legal adviser, lawyer of The Association of Accountants of the Republic of Latvia on the application of the Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism and Proliferation Financing, an article published by Bilance No. 7 (451) in July, 2019.